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April 4, 2017
This letter is to inform you that the MDOT Rip Rap shipped from our Stoneco of Michigan Facilities meet the specification set forth in the 2013 Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Specifications For Construction Page 844, Section 916.01.C1&2 MDOT classifies rip rap as plain or heavy based on the horizontal cross-section dimensions, (the “footprint” dimension) and the in-place thickness of the individual pieces.
MDOT Plain Rip Rap: Natural stone or broken concrete used for plain rip rap must have footprint dimensions ranging from 8” to 16” and an in-place thickness of at least 8”. The Contractor may use smaller pieces to fill spaces for better slope protection.
Gradations are performed visually to certify material.
Stoneco of Michigan is proud to be a supplier of quality aggregates to the construction industry. I trust the above information will meet your requirements.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me at 734-770-0035.
Grand Rapids
April 4, 2017
This letter is to inform you that the MDOT Rip Rap shipped from our Stoneco of Michigan Facilities meet the specification set forth in the 2013 Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Specifications For Construction Page 844, Section 916.01.C1&2 MDOT classifies rip rap as plain or heavy based on the horizontal cross-section dimensions, (the “footprint” dimension) and the in-place thickness of the individual pieces.
MDOT Plain Rip Rap: Natural stone or broken concrete used for plain rip rap must have footprint dimensions ranging from 8” to 16” and an in-place thickness of at least 8”. The Contractor may use smaller pieces to fill spaces for better slope protection.
Gradations are performed visually to certify material.
Stoneco of Michigan is proud to be a supplier of quality aggregates to the construction industry. I trust the above information will meet your requirements.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me at 734-770-0035.
Ottawa Lake
This letter is to inform you that the MDOT Rip Rap shipped from our Stoneco of Michigan Facilities meet the specification set forth in the 2013 Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Specifications For Construction Page 844, Section 916.01.C1&2 MDOT classifies rip rap as plain or heavy based on the horizontal cross-section dimensions, (the “footprint” dimension) and the in-place thickness of the individual pieces.
MDOT Plain Rip Rap: Natural stone or broken concrete used for plain rip rap must have footprint dimensions ranging from 8” to 16” and an in-place thickness of at least 8”. The Contractor may use smaller pieces to fill spaces for better slope protection.
Gradations are performed visually to certify material.
Stoneco of Michigan is proud to be a supplier of quality aggregates to the construction industry. I trust the above information will meet your requirements.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me at 734-770-0035.
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Description Title
This is a sample description dd item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
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